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Philippe Scialom - Psychologue Psychothérapie - Psychologie - Psychanalyse - PsychomotricitéEnseignement - Cours - Articles - Guidance - Informations - Aides Parents - Enfants - Ados - Etudiants


Aurélien D'Ignazio is Psychomotrician and also mime, magician and juggler.
This mediations are excellent fun and motivating interface to engage with children, teens or adults while targeting rehabilitation or psychomotor reeducation objectives. 
Aurélien D'Ignazio teaches practical psychomotrician class at the ISRP in Paris, based on his Art.
As such an interview here (below the video) reported by a student about his teaching that like many others are based on psychomotricity put in different situation of students. Confrontation and training in a multitude of body experiences, learned, analyzed, it is not intended to make dancers, jugglers, swimmers etc. The goal is to acquire a rich and varied sensorimotor experience to the future practitioner to use his own body through these mediations to understand the suffering of patients and offer them development situations and reinvestment of their bodies and their thinking related. Ph. S


Interview with Aurelian D'Ignazio during a practical class at the ISRP: 


1) Can I become a psychomotrician even if I don’t juggle like you? 

Yes of course, fortunately.

In fact, class of juggling’s interest during the first year is that we can follow them even if we absolutely don’t know juggling.

And besides it falls pretty well because most of your future patients will not know juggle either.

In fact I propose a multitude of situations, games and exercises that are done alone or in groups with one or more balls; adaptable depending on the age and the pathology.


2) But concretely, what can the juggling serve me in my job?

Juggling is a particularly rich mediation, which allows to work in a very playful way most major of psychomotrician axes.

For example, we are working on:

- The tonic regulation because it is necessary to check the strength of our shots.

- The organization in space and time because you have to adjust the force by the distance that separates us from partner and a good pace.

- Laterality of course, because we quickly feel an address difference between the two hands.

- You can work the sensory side by appearance or texture of objects being used

- And more generally, it aims to improve the person’s coordination and the body’s awareness that constantly has to better organize for throw, move, roll and catch balls.


3) Me, I don’t dare to try because I think I'm too clumsy to get there!

This is something I hear often in my classes. And every time I rub my hands with glee... Because the person who told me that at the beginning finally manages to do the adapted exercises I asked him. It will release a sense of value even stronger.

For a future psychomotrician, it is interesting to go through that fear of failure or of being unable ... It refines our empathy for patients in great difficulty. We can even better help that we experienced similar situations, even if they are not identical.


To learn more about the artistic aspects developed by Aurélien D'Ignazio and his performances you can visit his website by clicking the following link: 

(french website)

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