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Philippe Scialom - Psychologue Psychothérapie - Psychologie - Psychanalyse - PsychomotricitéEnseignement - Cours - Articles - Guidance - Informations - Aides Parents - Enfants - Ados - Etudiants


Translated by Soline Lacroix


« The therapist leads his patient from a state where he cannot play to a state where he can play » D.W. Winnicott



A mediation is a « practice or a discipline by which a third party intervenes to facilitate the communication, the information ». The therapeutic monitoring in psychomotricity is using several mediations about which we are going to give you an overview in this section.


In his practice, the psychomotor therapist uses mediations. Every psychomotor therapist, by his know-how, his personal background, which can be varied and complementary to the psychomotricity, uses one or several corporal mediations he has developed himself. The range of existing mediations is more and more diversified, we can quote among the best known: sporting activities, wilderness activities, theater, manual work, dance, rhythmic activities, relaxation methods, sophrology… and of course game!


The mediation, genuine pillar founding the take in care is the essential means enabling the therapist to communicate, to coach and to help for the take in care of his patients.

It offers them a pleasant way to address a problematic sometimes heavy. The mediation is then the hinge on which the take in care in the individual project of the patient will be set. It is the link between the psychomotor therapist and the person.


These meditations want to be funny in order to awaken the desire and the pleasure to the patient. By having fun, the patient becomes an actor of his session and he can  then make real progress. The « games » are adapted to the patient, his age, his difficulties and to the objectives.


These mediations act as education material to support the psychomotor development or as rehabilitation material to overcome instrumental difficulties. Moreover these corporal mediations have a psychotherapeutic intent in the same way than the speech in the verbal psychotherapies.

So, under the appearance of games, the psychomotor therapist has real therapeutic objectives.


In psychomotricity, the pleasure to develop oneself, to learn, to make a success, is the source of each involvement and learning. Everything goes first through the body prior to becoming psychic. This anchoring of the thought on the corporal experience can be achieved only through a mediated relationship between the psychomotor therapist and the patient.


It’s such a success when the patient believes that he is playing during the sessions!


in the following pages you can find explanations about some mediations described like :

Theater, Water, Equitherapy, Rhythm and voice, Martial arts, Tree climbing, Snoezelen space...


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