Decree No. 8 8-659 of the 6th May 1988 related to the accomplishment of certain acts in psychomotor rehabilitation.
The Prime Minister,
On the report of the Minister of Social Affairs and Employment,
Considering the code of Public Health, in particular Article L. 372,
Considering Decree n° 74-112 of the 15th February, 1974, amended in particular by Decree No. 85-188 of the 7th February 1985 establishing the State diploma of psychomotor,
Considering the opinion of the National Academy of Medicine,
The Council of State (social section) heard,
Article 1.
Persons fulfilling the conditions defined in Articles 2 and 3 below are empowered to perform on medical prescription and after the doctor’s neuropsychological examination of the patient, the following professional acts:
· Psychomotor profile.
· Early education and psychomotor stimulations.
· Reeducation of psychomotor developmental disorders or the following psychomotor disorders using dynamic relaxation techniques, gestural education, body language or plastic expression and rhythmic, play, balance and coordination activities :
- Delays in psychomotor development,
- Maturation and tonic regulation disorders,
- Body image disorders,
- Disorders of laterality
- Disorders of the spatiotemporal organization, psychomotor disharmony, tonic-emotional disorders, motor and gestural clumsiness, dyspraxia, motor retardation, psychomotor inhibition, restlessness, graphomotor disorder excluding rehabilitation of written language.
Contribution through techniques of body approach, intellectual disabilities’ treatment, personality disorders, emotional and relational regulation disorders and mental or physical body image disorders.
Article 2.
May perform the professional acts enumerated in Article 1, the psychomotrician state diploma’s holders.
Article 3.
Can also perform the professional acts enumerated in Article 1, employees who have worked as principal and as provided for in Article 1, psychomotor activity for at least three years during the ten years preceding the date of publication of this decree and who have passed, within three years from that date, verification of knowledge tests.
The organizational arrangements, the nature of the content of these tests and the composition of the jury are set by order of the Minister of Health after the Higher Council of the paramedical professions’ advice.
Article 4.
The Minister of Social Affairs and Employment and the Minister Delegate to the Minister of Social Affairs and Employment, responsible for Health and Family are responsible, each in regards to the implementation of this decree to be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.
Done at Paris, May 6, 1988
Jacques Chirac
By Prime Minister
The Minister of Social Affairs and Employment
Philippe SEGUIN
The Minister Delegate to the
Minister of Social Affairs and Employment
For Health and Family
Source: www.lé
The psychomotor profile involves a detailed examination of a person’s difficulties and skills. According to the practice’s location, patient’s age and the indication of the consultation, the assessment is not the same but it’s still an unavoidable element and a fundamental tool.
Indeed, in the first place, it’s a meeting between the patient and the therapist. The assessment is aimed at supposing on the origin’s troubles and can allowing the patient to become aware of the help we can provide him. The psychomotor profile appears like the first therapeutic gesture.
The psychomotor profile generally takes place on two or three sessions.
There are three parts:
1. The meeting with the parents and the child can trace the story and human difficulties, his medical history, his behavior both at home and at school, activities, family background, potential milestones, etc.
2. The actual assessment takes place in general without the parents. The psychomotrician proposes to the child series of trials and psychomotor tests selected according to difficulties evoked and told by the parents. The psychomotrician examines the motor organization and expression and also appreciates the capacities of symbolic expression by being attentive to verbalization, graphic or plastic expression, imitation games, stories, etc.
From a motor point of view, the psychomotrician observes:
• General dynamic coordinations (walking, running, jumping, crawling, etc…): combination of several movements previously dissociated. General dynamic coordination’s exercises demand an adjustment of the whole parts of the body and involve the locomotion (by causing displacements).
• Static and dynamic balance: control of the corporal attitude.
• Oculo-manual and oculo-pedal coordinations: are equivalent to synergetic interaction between the movement of the hand or the feet and the eye in which it anticipates the hand’s or feet’s movement and fulfills all alone the exploration.
• Dissociations: Skills to act in isolation a part of the body without the participation of the main.
• Fine motor-skills: According to Drouin and Gauthier, it’s “fine, meticulous and precise movements’ product calling on muscular control of different parts of the body (cheeks, mouth, eyes, fingers and tiptoes)”
• Laterality: motor impulse that causes the spontaneous gesture on one side or the other of the body (left or right).
• Praxis: According to Piaget, praxis are actions which are systems of movements coordinated according to a result or an intention. It is the fact of acquiring an automated management of a type of gesture after learning it.
• Time and space’s perception, orientation and structuring.
• The body schema: according to Ms. Soubiran, "it is the awareness of our own body to which is added the sense of space and of our attitudes, which founded the availability for our actions."
• The grapheme-perceptual organization and graphomotricity: graphomotricity is the psychomotricity to the act of writing. This is a feature that allows you to draw on a support a meaningful message through signs (letters).
• The tonus which means "the state of muscles’ permanent tension" and tonic-emotional reactions that are muscle tone’s inappropriate responses for bad external situations experiences, misperceived which then generate poorly channeled or misidentified emotions. These emotions are going through phases of hypertension (tension, instability, possibility of aggressiveness, etc.) and hypotonic phases (loosening, disengagement, passivity, inhibition, etc).
Synthesis performed at the end of the assessment allows to establish a diagnostic, to clear an understanding of the psychomotor trouble and to propose, if necessary, adapted treatments in psychomotricity.
3. Restitution: one session is usually devoted to the presentation of the assessment’s conclusions. The psychomotrician informs the family about:
• The child's disorders, its severity and psychomotor diagnosis
• The need, if necessary, of additional tests (medical, psychological or speech therapy’s with IQ, the WISC, etc.)
• The modalities of medical care (individual or group follow-up, duration and frequency of sessions, etc.).
Source : www.lé
The psychomotor profile involves a detailed examination of a person’s difficulties and skills. According to the practice’s location, patient’s age and the indication of the consultation, the assessment is not the same but it’s still an unavoidable element and a fundamental tool.
Indeed, in the first place, it’s a meeting between the patient and the therapist. The assessment is aimed at supposing on the origin’s troubles and can allowing the patient to become aware of the help we can provide him. The psychomotor profile appears like the first therapeutic gesture.
There are three parts:
1. The meeting with the parents and the child can trace the history and human difficulties, his medical history, his behavior both at home and at school, activities, family background, potential milestones, etc.
2. Evaluation: takes place in general without the parents. The psychomotrician proposes to the child series of trials and psychomotor tests choose according to difficulties evoked and told by the parents.
From a motor point of view, the psychomotrician observes:
• General dynamic coordinations (walking, running, jumping, crawling, etc…): combination of several movements previously dissociated. General dynamic coordination’s exercises demand an adjustment of the whole part of the body and do intervened the locomotion (provoked displacements).
• Static and dynamic balance: control of the corporal attitude.
• Oculo-manual and oculo-coordinations: are equivalent to synergetic interaction between the movement of the hand or the feet and the eye in which it anticipates the movement’s hand or feet and fulfills all alone the exploration.
• Dissociations: Skill to start in isolation a part of the body without the participation of the main.
• Fine motor-skills: According to Drouin and Gauthier, it’s “fine, meticulous and precise movements’s product and call on muscular control of different parts of the body (cheeks, mouth, eyes, fingers and tiptoes)”
• The laterality: driving pulse that causes the spontaneous gesture to one side or the other of the body (left or right).
• Praxis: According to Piaget, praxis are actions which are systems of movements coordinated according to a result or an intention. It is the fact of acquiring an automated management of a type of gesture after having made the apprenticeship.
• The perception, orientation, structuring of time and space.
• The body schema: according to Ms. Soubiran, "it is the awareness of our own body to which is added the sense of space and of our attitudes, which founded the availability for our actions."
• The grapheme-perceptual organization and graphomotricity: graphomotricity is the psychomotricity to the act of writing. This is a feature that allows you to draw on a support a meaningful message through signs (letters).
• The tonus means "the state of permanent tension of the muscles" and tonic-emotional reactions that are inappropriate responses of muscle tone for resented external situations, misperceived which then generate emotion evil channeled or misidentified. These emotions are going through phases of hypertension (tension, instability, possibility of aggressiveness, etc.) and hypotonic phases (loosening, disengagement, passivity, inhibition, etc).
Report performed at the end of the assessment allows to establish a diagnostic, to clear an understanding of the psychomotor trouble and to propose, if necessary, adapted treatment in psychomotricity.
3. Restitution: one session is usually devoted to the presentation of balance sheet conclusions. Psychomotor inform the family about:
• The child's disorder, severity and psychomotor diagnosis
• The need, if necessary, additional examinations (medical, psychological or speech therapy with IQ, the WISC, etc.)
• The terms of the management (monitoring individual or group, duration and frequency of meetings, etc.).
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