Translated by Camille Baud
The group introduces a social dimension that conjugates both capacities of psychomotor adaptation and development. In specific indications, the group dynamic can facilitate or increase the benefit of the psychomotor approach.
Hereafter, Ms. M. Etienne will expose the main topics of her prevention’s groups work with youngsters.
It is quiet easy to prevent or invert risks’ slopes when children are in preschool as problems have, at this time, no consequences. A shy or inhibited child will reveal himself and gain confidence, an instable child or who has concentration trouble will be contained and secure by the group, H will find new ways to socialize and communicate, a clumsy child or an immature child will more easily release himself and accurate the psychomotor experiences with pleasure and dynamism and will more naturally share with others. Everybody who’ve, one way or another, autonomy troubles or who are comfortable in their class group only, will find in those preventive groups, the tools to adjust their behavior both during learning sessions and with others.
Phillippe Scialom
For who?
Children from 3 to 5 years’ old who are in preschool, as both, the teachers and parents have noticed troubles, disorder or any kind of differences, even minor or transit ones, during the child psychomotor development.
Why psychomotricity can be preventive?
The psychomotor development settles the capacities for each children future. Some capacities need to be acquired at specific ages. Some early development delays can generate tremendous difficulties both affective and scholarship, which can be avoided. Preventive psychomotricity helps to decrease risks and preserve development harmony.
Why group?
The group is a natural and playful intermediary for children.
The group interactions favor each individuality.
The multiple activities can facilitate the progress to the individual goals.
What are the signs?
Psychomotor development immaturity:
Notify difficulties during sports activities, run or jump in a muddle way, coordination troubles, clumsy movements, hit and fall often, temper, lack
of cleanliness.
Neat psychomotor difficulties:
Clumsy gesture, slow, help to dress or eat, difficulties to handle objects (pen, scissors, rubber), avoid or refusal to play to construction or
dexterity games.
Graphic difficulties:
Poor drawing, writing difficulties, working slowly and badly, scared of failure, laterality incomplete (difficulty to choose a directive hand, does
not want to know where is his left or right hand)
Space and time orientation difficulties:
No distinction between different moments of the day or of any day, seems lost between two activities, seems lost when he is asked to seek or put up an
object whether it is at home, school, …
Relationship inhibition and blocking:
Shy, few friends, most of the time alone at school, little involvement in class, cry often, not independent, difficulties to part with him in the
morning, retain himself to play with other kids in the park.
Difficulties of attention and concentration:
Not listening, dreamer, have to constantly repeat, agitated even during cool time, difficulties to focus on a specific activity, a “tiring” speech
flow, in perpetual movement.
Summary of the main objectives
Prevent failure of social et school adaptation
Reduce the delays of psychomotor development
Gain a homogeneous development and get out of immaturity
Strengthen the adaptation and learning capacities